
The Sami people described and pictured in old art and texts - Det samiske folk beskrevet og avbildet i gammel kunst og tekster

Samiske menn gravert i kopper av Warren i 1810 og publisert i en bok fra 1827. Klikk på bildet for en høyere oppløsning.

Laplanders (Sámi) engraved copper print by Warren in 1810 and published in the book "The Manners and Customs of All Nations", 1827. Click on the photo for a higher resolution.
Source and Web page: 'Image courtesy of ancestryimages.com'

Samisk familie på utstilling i London er tegnet av Captain Brooke, gravert av T.Dixon og publisert i en bok fra 1822. Klikk på bildet for en høyere oppløsning.

Laplander family in London drawn by Captain Brooke, engraved by T.Dixon and published in Oliver Goldsmiths book "History of the Earth and Animated Nature", 1822. Click on the photo for a higher resolution.
Source and Web page:

'Image courtesy of ancestryimages.com'

Samer foreviget av Theodore de Bry i 1601 som var på ekspedisjon til Nordpolen. Legg merke til de spesielle hodeplaggene. Klikk på bildet for en høyere oppløsning. Det er også et folk i Litauen som kalles Samigito, de kulturelle uttrykkene i graveringen ser imidlertid ut til best å passe best på samene.

Samogithio or Laplanders made by Theodore de Bry, 1601 on his North Pole Expedition. Take a closer look at their hats. Click on the photo for a higher resolution.
Source and Web page: Kauai Fine Arts

Same og reinsdyr med slede og gamle runesymboler laget i kopper av anonym gravør. Publisert i bok fra 1760. Klikk på bildet for en høyere oppløsning.

Laplander and reindeer sleigh and ancient symbols by anonymous engraver, published in "Prevosts Historie Générale des Voyages" from about 1760. Copper engraved print. Click on the photo for a higher resolution.
Source and Web page: 'Image courtesy of ancestryimages.com'

In these links you can see some more very early images of the Saami People. I disse lenkene kan du se flere tidlige bilder av samene:

Here you can see a few very early pictures of the Saami / Her kan du se noen få tidlige bilder av samene fra 1500-1600 tallet:

Cesare Vecellio (1590): Bride from Lapponia dressed on germin and sable fur

Cesare Vecellio (1590): Man from Lapponesi dressed in skin and furs

Cesare Vecellio (1590): Lapponia

Thedore de Bry Laplanders, Gerrardi De Veer expedition, 1601

Saami living summer and winter, The English Atlas, Oxford, 1680

Sjø samer / Sea Saami- end of 1600eds by Hans Hansen Lilienskiold

Sea Saami / Sjøsamer, the end of 1600eds

Saami costumes / Samedrakter - 1690

Saami women and children / Samekvinner og barn, 1690 (Every morning and evening the child need a bath)

Saami skiing, hunting and fauna pictures by Henry A. Chatelain (1684-1743): "Representations des Lapons" Paris about 1714

Pava Lars Nilsson Tuorda from Jokkmokk
Drawing from “The Land of the Midnight Sun” by Paul du Chaillu, Harper & Brothers, 1882.

Drawings of Saami from an Old Russian Book Source: The Russian State Library. Tegninger av samer fra en gammel Russisk bok.

En vill-lapp i pesk fra 1700-tallet. Kopperstikk av E.D. Clarke publ. i 1819. 1700s A Wild Laplander man in fur by E.D. Clarke publ. 1819

Saami from Jämtland, gravure published in 1901. Samer fra Jämtland, Sverige

Old Time Saami Winter Costume. Drawing from “The Land of the Midnight Sun” by Paul du Chaillu, Harper & Brothers, 1882. Samisk mann i gammeldags vinterdrakt.

Norwegian Sami man, gravure by L. Brenton, Published in 1898.

Sami men and a child are rolling barrels with tar towards the coast, Northern Sweden, published 1870. Samiske menn og et barn ruller tønner med tjære mot kysten, Nord-Sverige, publ. i 1870.

Christian baptism in Boris Gleb Russia. Kristen dåp i Boris Gleb, Russland.

Samisk boplass i Finland. Sami settlement in Finland.

Sami Sievjjus. Coastal Sámi on Sievju, Seiland, Norway in 1838. Samisk bosted i Sievju, Seiland i 1838. Aquarelle: A.Meyer.

Drawing from Hammerfest, Finnmark, Norway in 1838- by A. Meyer (Reserche expedition)

Store samiske Lavvoer. Large Sami tents. Karasjok, Finnmark, Norway Reserche-expedition by B. Lauvergne, 1839.

Kristiania (Oslo) Norway in 1830s by A. Meyer, 1838.

Karasjok telephone station. Late 1800s. Sent på 1800-tallet.

Sami family early 1900s Odda, Hardanger in Norway. Samisk familie tidlig på 1900-tallet.

In the following Links you will find more ancient pictures of the Saami People. I disse lenkene kan du finne flere antikke bilder av samene:

Cesare Vecellio (1590): Lapponia
Cesare Vecellio (1590): Bride from Lapponia dressed on germin and sable fur
Cesare Vecellio (1590): Man from Lapponesi dressed in skin and furs. According to the text also women and children could use bow and arrow

Thoedore de Bry Laplanders, Gerrardi De Veer expedition, 1601

Francesco Negri about the Saami 1663 (pictures)
Francesco Negri about the Saami 1663 (picture)

Knud Leem (1696-1774)
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 1
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 2
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 3
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 4
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 5
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 6
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 7
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 8
Knud Leem Copper Engraving 9
Knud Leem og samene

Saami skiing, hunting and fauna pictures by Henry A. Chatelain (1684-1743): "Representations des Lapons" Paris about 1714
Saami Pagan Religion immortalsed by Henry A. Chatelain (1684-1743): "Representations des Lapons" Paris about 1714

1732 Linnaeus's Journey to Lapland

1795 French Prince Louis-Philippe at the North Cape

Acrebi 1799
Mountain Saami / fjellfinner, Raastajoki: Acrebi, 1799
Mountain Saami - Fjellfinner in Porsanger: Acrebi 1799
Drawing of Alattio / Alta Norway : Acrebi 1799
Sunday, 7th July : Acerbi writes about the character of the Lapps
Acrebi 1799: Montain Lapps in Alattio (Alten)
Pictures from Lapland in the book of Giuseppe Acerbi 1799

Digitalarkivet uib

Verso L'estrema Thule

The Saami Jens Holms travel to London in 1822. "The Anglo Laplanders, astonishing the Natives, at the sight of their Immense Wealt, Camp, Curiosities.”

Saami Jens Holm in London: "Laplanders, Rein Deer & Camp as Exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly 1822

"Mr. Bullock's Exhibition of Laplanders" (1822) : Drawn by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827)

Foto og gamle illustrasjoner se Nasjonalbibliotekets samlinger

1838-40 The French La Recherche Expedition
Paintings by Johan Tiren

Vol. 1 Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark - by William Coxe 1802

Vol. 2 Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark - by William Coxe 1802

Vol. 3 Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark- by William Coxe 1802

Vol. 4 Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark - by William Coxe 1802

Vol. 5 Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark - by William Coxe 1802

Bibliographie der lappischen Litteratur by Just Qvigstad, 1899.

Lule-lappisches Worterbuch by Karl Bernhard Wirklund, 1890

Lexicon Lapponicum: cum interpretatione vocabulorum Sveco-Latina et indice by Erik Lindahl, Johan Öhrling, Johan Ihre, 1780

The monastery of Petschenga (1896) by Jens Andreas Friis and Hill Repp

Klosteret i Petschenga: skildringer fra russisk Lapland (1884) by Jens Andreas Friis

In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times (1911) by Fridtjof Nansen

Lappisk mythologi, eventyr og folkesagn: eventyr og folkesagn (1871) by Jens Andreas Friis

Olaus Magnus och hans framställning af Nordens geografi; studier i geografiens historia by Karl Jakob Mauritz Ahlenius (1895)

Some Mythical Tales of the Lapps Folklore Society (Great Britain), 1918. Page 178 – 192

The history of Lapland by John Scheffer, Oxford 1674

FRIIS, J. A. (1871) En sommer i Finmarken, Russisk Lapland og Nordkarelen. Skildringer af Land og Folk.

Click here to see Ancient pictures Klikk på lenken for å se antikke bilder av samene.

Pytheas voyage 4th-century BC
More about Pythea

Tacicus 98 AD/CE

Ottar's Journey 900 AD

Snorre: Heimskringla Saga – written 1220-1235 AD (Norsk) (English)

1432 AD Italian shipwrecked sailors description of the people they met up north

Et besøg paa Røst for halvfemte hundrede Aar siden

Old Maps of the Saami areas 1539 til 1804

Verso L'Estrema Thule av Piero Querinis i 1432 og Giuseppi Acrebis reiser i 1798-99 (oversettelser fra 2003)

Olaus Magnus og hans historieverk om Norden fra 1500-tallet

1553 AD English trade route around the North Cape to Kildin

Christian IVs tokt til Finnmark og Kola i 1599

Del 1: Oversettelsen av Italieneren Francesco Negris reise i Norge (1664 –1665)
Del 2: Oversettelsen av Italieneren Francesco Negris reise i Norge (1664 –1665)
Del 3: Oversettelsen av Italieneren Francesco Negris reise i Norge (1664 –1665)

En rystende og sannferdig fortelling fra Nordområdene anno 1670

La Martinières sjøreise i 1670

Schefferusa sámi gárvvuid čilgehus 1673
"History of Lapland" by Schefferus (1678)
Lapponia by Johannes Schefferi
Index: “The History of Lapland” by John Scheffer
John Scheffer 1
John Scheffer 2
John Scheffer 3
John Scheffer 4
John Scheffer 5
Forestillingene om samisk trolldomskunst - Imaginations about Saami magic powers (sorcery), Johannes Schefferus 1682

Om Husfliden i Norge av Eilert Sundt, 1867 - 1868

Arkeologen Gustaf Hallströms arkiv (1880-1962)

“Chez les Lapons … de la laponie Norvégienne”, Rémy de Gourmont, 1890

“The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe with a historical review of previous journeys along the North Coast of the old world” by A.E. Nordenskiöld, translated by Alexander Leslie, London, 1881

Collecting Shot Reindeer by Johan Tiren, 1892

Norway, and her Laplanders, in 1841: with a few hints to the salmon fisher by John Milford, 1842.

Klosteret i Petschenga: Skildringer fra Russisk Lapland Jens Andreas Friis (1884)

Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 volume 2, by Acerbi, Giuseppe, (1773-1846)

Lajla: A New Tale of Finmark (1888) by Jens Andreas Friis