
Old photos, weaving and Jarŋŋa - Gamle foto, veving og Jarŋŋa

Sami woman with child in cradleboard, from Troms or Finnmark in Norway. Samisk kvinne med barn i komse fra Troms eller Finnmark. Photo credits to Through Their Eyes: Military Archive by James Payne

Jarŋŋa - Äno jiedna
Swedish Band. Here performing at a concert in Jokkmokk. Svensk samisk band som her opptrer i Jokkmokk. Katarina Rimpi: Vocal. Brita Stina Sjaggo: Vocal. Mandy Senger: Guitar. Jan Östlund Kontrabas. Toni Geiling: Fiolin

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Young Sami semi-nomad woman with children in the area of northern Norway and Sweden. Ung samisk nomade kvinne med barn i området Nord-Norge og Nord-Sverige.

Samisk nomade gutt i nordlige Skandinavia. Sami nomad boy in northern Scandinavia. Ca. 1880 -1900.

To samiske barn i Nord Skandinavia. Two Sami children in northern Scandinavia. Ca. 1880-1900.

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Norwegian Sami families, early 1900s. Norske samiske familier tidlig på 1900-tallet.

Norsk samisk familie tidlig på 1900-tallet. Norwegian Sami family early 1900s.

The Russian Skolt Sami women Darja og Naska Moshnikov living in Finland, here they are demostrating traditional Sami "Grene" weaving. De russiske Skoltsamiske kvinnene Darja og Naska Moshnikov som bor i Finland demostrerer her tradisjonell samisk greneveving. Photo. Helsinki Universitet, 1955. Credits to: Norsk Folkemuseum

Vakkert dekorert vevredskap med tradisjonelt samisk mønster. Denne er fra Västerbotten i Sverige. Beautifully decorated loom tool with traditional Sami decorations. This is from Västerbotten in Sweden.

Grenevevde tekstiler har blitt vevd av og brukt av samene svært lenge. Grene er kalt for "Rana" i Sverige. Grenevevde tekstiler ble brukt som tepper, teltduk, til enkelte typer klær og som seil for store og små båter.


Greneveving, Manndalen Husflidslag

The traditional "Grene" textile have been woven and used for a long time by the Sami people. "Grene" is called "Rana" in Sweden. Grene textiles were used as carpets, tent canvas, to make some types of clothing and as sails for larger and smaller boats.

This is a smaller type of sail boat used by the Sami. Unfortunately this one has not hoist sails. This photo is probably from Tromsø, Norway. Dette er en mindre båttype brukt til seiling av samene. Beklageligvis har denne ikke heiste seil. Dette foto er sannsynligvis fra Tromsø. Photo credits to: Through Their Eyes: Military Archive by James Payne

Samisk familie i Sverige og Lavvo. Legg merke til det grenevevde teppet i teltduken. Sami family in Sweden and the tent (Lavvo). Pay attention to the traditionally woven "Grene" textile that is part of the tent canvas.

Svensk samisk mann og barn tidlig på 1900-tallet. Swedish Sami man with children in the early 1900s.

Grenevevde tepper ble brukt i Lavvo eller gammer. Dette er en tegning av Knud Leem fra Porsanger i Finnmark i begynnelsen av 1700-tallet. The traditional Sami "Grene" textile were used in Lavvo tents and peat huts. This is a drawing by Knud Leem from Porsanger in Finnmark, Norway in the early 1700s.

Dette er et samisk portrett av en kvinne og to jenter fra Karasjok. Legg merke til samekoftene som er vevd med stiper. This is a Sami portrait of a woman and two girls from Karasjok, Norway. Pay attention to the woven traditional costumes with stripes. Photo by Konrad Nielsen. Credits to Norsk Folkemuseum

A Sami family from Utsjok in Finland. En samisk familie fra Utsjok i Finland.

Jarŋŋa: "Jåvna vuolle"

Sami girls from Finland. Samiske jenter fra Finland.

Swedish Nomad Sami school. Svensk samisk nomadeskole.

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Svensk samisk gruppe med nomadesamer. Personen som sitter som nummer tre fra høyre er Kristina Persdotter. Fra ca. 1880-årene. Swedish Sami nomad group. The person that sits as number three from the right is Kristina Persdotter. The photo is from about 1880s.

Sami nomad woman from northern Scandinavia. This seems to be Kristina Andersdotter Gunnare, Könkämä, Sweden in the 1880s. She belonged to a group of Sami semi-nomads that moved the reindeer herds from Sweden to Norway during the summers. Samisk nomade kvinne fra områdene i Nord-Skandinavia. Dette ser ut til å være Kristina Andersdotter Gunnare, Könkämä, Sverige i 1880-årene. Hun tilhørte en gruppe halvnomadiske samer som flyttet med reinsdyra fra Sverige til Norge om sommeren. Photo Credits to: Through Their Eyes: Military Archive by James Payne


  1. Wonderful pictures--beautiful people! My grandmother was from Swedish Lapland and herded reindeer. I look at these pictures and imagine what her life was like in the early 1900s. Thanks.

  2. Merci d'être rentré membre de mon blog. Je m'appelle Shawny. Excuse moi, ça faisait longtemps que j'étais pas allé sur mon blog.

    Je viens juste de voir ton blog et je trouve qu'il est vraiment beau. Ça fait la première fois que je vois ton peuple de plus près comme ça, en photo, en musique et en vidéo. Moi aussi j'ai des origines autochtones, mais c'est de l'Île de la Tortue (Amérique du nord). Et j'en ai aussi de l'europe, mais j'ai complètement perdu la trace de mes ancêtres autochtones de là.

    J'aimerais recevoir de tes nouvelles.

    - Shawny

  3. Thank you for the wonderful pictures and interesting blog. The Apache and Navajo people where I live use a very similar device for carrying babies - the term in English is "cradleboard" or "cradle board".
    Best wishes,
    Mercedes from New Mexico.

  4. Thank you Jennifer. I have seen the Native American cradleboards on pictures. Such similarities is amazing considering the huge geographical distances between America,New Mexico and Scandinavia.

  5. Thanks for this really interesting blog! I found it while searching for info on similarities between native American Indians and the Sami people. I wrote a little something on that on my blog, and borrowed som pictures from you. Of course I also made a link to your site with warm recommedations. Here is the result: http://wp.me/pMA6w-9p

    Thanks again for doing a huge job on this blog :)

  6. Hi Gunhild. You ask very important questions in your blog. Very nice blog and homepage. I am slowly developing a blog about the ancient Nordic Goths (Göter) that came to the Nordic areas before the Common Era. The ancient Goths were related to the pre-Christian Romans and the early (antikken) Romans clearly had merged with Indo-Greeks. The ancient Indo-Greeks was established in western India including present day Pakistan since the time of Alexander the Great and because of ancient trade routes (perfume and silk routes). It might be as you suggest, that there might be an ancient Indo-Greek connection between the ancient Goths (that merged with the indigenous European Laplanders and is today called the Sami people) and some groups of the Native Americans. It is documented that the Indian Buddhist ruler Asoka sent Buddhist missionaries in all directions from ancient Gandhara and India. Many of these missions are documented in the Asokan Edicts and also in ancient Greek texts. May they will find more of the Asokan edicts in the future and we will know.
    Here is the other blog: http://oldgoths.blogspot.com/

  7. Hallo; I just would ask if those pre-christian Romans are those italians of the roman empire or the Rom people ?

  8. The ancient people of the Roman empire. The Roma or Romani people are newer in Europe (ref. genetic mtdna studies).
