These are Anthropological Photos taken of people in the heart of the present Saami areas in 1884, in all four countries. Every person has a number plate and is photographed like they were charged for a crime, which they of course are not. Later the material was used as records for quasi-scientific studies. In spite of these facts the material is important historical documentation of the Saami people. You can see many more of these unique old portraits in the following hyper links. Try again later if these links does not open. Click on the names embedded in the table.
Disse antropologiske foto er tatt i det sentrale nåtidige samiske området i 1884, i alle fire stater. Hver person har et nummerskilt som om de var mistenkt for en forbrytelse noe de selvsagt ikke er. Senere ble materialet brukt i kvasivitenskapelige studier. Uansett er materialet viktig historisk dokumentasjon om samene. Du kan se mange flere av disse unike gamle portrettene i de følgende hyperlenkene. Prøv igjen senere dersom lenkene ikke virker. Klikk på navnene i tablellen.

The photo Borrowed from the webpage of Christopher Wahren (2006) and shows Prince Roland Bonaparte and Fellows photographing the Saami People in Finnmark, 1884. The photo is over 70 years and in the public domain. Original source of the photo is: Escard, F. (1886), "Le Prince Roland Bonaparte in Laponie: Episodes et Tableaux", Paris. Click on the photo for a higher resolution.
Photo of Prince Roland Bonaparte
”Les Lapons” (La Nature) by Prince Roland Bonaparte, 1885

Photo "Icy Prospects", 2005 by Jorma Puranen from Stenersen Museet
The Finish photographer Jorma Puranen have created a project he calls ”Imaginary homecoming”, were he brings these anthropological portraits to the context where they belong - in the Saami areas. You can see more of his photos under the heading “Photos of the Saami (pop-up) - Foto av Samene” in this blog.
Den finske fotografen Jorma Puranen har laget et prosjekt som han kaller ”Imaginary homecoming”, hvor han bringer disse antropologiske portrettene inn i den konteksten de hører hjemme – i de samiske områdene. Du kan se flere av hans bilder under rubrikken ” Photos of the Saami (pop-up) - Foto av Samene” i denne bloggen.
Video that also shows Jorma Puranen photo project called “Homecoming” of these ethnographic Saami portraits
Imaginary Homecoming photos

The photo Borrowed from the webpage of Christopher Wahren (2006) and shows Prince Roland Bonaparte and Fellows photographing the Saami People in Finnmark, 1884. The photo is over 70 years and in the public domain. Original source of the photo is: Escard, F. (1886), "Le Prince Roland Bonaparte in Laponie: Episodes et Tableaux", Paris. Click on the photo for a higher resolution.
Photo of Prince Roland Bonaparte
”Les Lapons” (La Nature) by Prince Roland Bonaparte, 1885

Photo "Icy Prospects", 2005 by Jorma Puranen from Stenersen Museet
The Finish photographer Jorma Puranen have created a project he calls ”Imaginary homecoming”, were he brings these anthropological portraits to the context where they belong - in the Saami areas. You can see more of his photos under the heading “Photos of the Saami (pop-up) - Foto av Samene” in this blog.
Den finske fotografen Jorma Puranen har laget et prosjekt som han kaller ”Imaginary homecoming”, hvor han bringer disse antropologiske portrettene inn i den konteksten de hører hjemme – i de samiske områdene. Du kan se flere av hans bilder under rubrikken ” Photos of the Saami (pop-up) - Foto av Samene” i denne bloggen.
Video that also shows Jorma Puranen photo project called “Homecoming” of these ethnographic Saami portraits
Imaginary Homecoming photos
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